Hands Around The World

Hands Around The World

About us

Established in 1994, Hands Around The World helps children and young people disadvantaged through poverty, disability or otherwise vulnerable, in partnership with locally-managed centres in Africa and India. We also support well-prepared volunteers to offer practical help, skill-sharing and friendship

We work with our volunteers and partners to:

  • Support schools, youth training centres and workshops providing education and training for vulnerable children and teenagers.
  • Develop initiatives at each centre such as vegetable growing, poultry rearing and honey production aiming to improve the nutrition of the children and both generate income and develop the centre’s sustainability.

HATW currently works with partners in Zambia, Kenya, Rwanda, Benin and India, all of which are being supported to become self-sustaining. We also offer occasional support to a few centres where we have historical links.

Every day, through our overseas partners and the generosity of our volunteers and supporters, HANDS AROUND THE WORLD (HATW) helps more than 3000 vulnerable children around the world, by providing the things that we often take for granted….. We strive for happy, healthy children who are safe, cared for, listened to, well fed, clothed, housed and in school. We choose to support some of the most disadvantaged – often orphaned girls, sometimes with disabilities.

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